Monday, 5 April 2010

First Principles

A thought provoking article on life's values - First Principles from Dave Pollard talks about 3 key principles -

1. Being generous: Paying attention to others, listening, giving, caring, sharing, ignoring one’s illusory ’self’ and focusing on collective — community and planet;
2. Valuing time: Taking every moment as a gift. It means living Now, not in the past (regrets, nostalgia) or the future (dreams, fears);
3. Living Naturally: Nature shows us how to live: to adapt rather than trying to control. To love, abundantly. To see and enjoy beauty. To be honest, always, even when it hurts. To imagine and to improvise. To learn by doing and by watching, not by being told or even by reading. To let go of outcome and of what is past or might be in future, and just be.

See full article here

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Welcome to the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award Ceremony Acknowledging and celebrating excellence and innovation in blended learning at The. - ppt download

Welcome to the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award Ceremony Acknowledging and celebrating excellence and innovation in blended learn...